Volunteer Today!

Good for you. Good for a healthy community.

The goal of Youville’s Volunteer program is:

To connect community members with opportunities to enrich the programs, services and client experiences at Youville Centre. Whether on the front lines or working behind the scenes, you can help build a stronger, healthier St. Vital.  


By Volunteering with Youville Centre, you will:

  • Work in a meaningful role;
  • Help make a difference in people’s lives;
  • Gain new skills & share your ideas;
  • Contribute to improving health programs & services; and
  • Become more connected to the St. Vital community.

Volunteering with Youville is unique because:

  • We are the only community health centre in St. Vital;
  • We include volunteers in planning and delivering health services;
  • We are active in community development work;
  • We believe health is affected by social factors like shelter, education, food and income; and
    compassion and hope are at the centre of the work we do

Also,  please visit Echoes_Outreach to learn more about volunteering with the Youville/Huddle Outreach walk - Echoes Truth and Love Across the Water.


For more information regarding volunteer opportunities or student placements, please call our Community Engagement Coordinator at 204-255-4840